All horror, all the time. Mostly film, but some books too. And random thoughts about fear, violence, and the art of storytelling. And the pleasure of a pop culture obsession.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

When did it start?

I think it all started with Zacherley in 1964. We had just encountered the wonder of cable television. In Horseheads NY (now there's a creepy name) we had TV all the way from New York City. Things we had never seen before, like the Clay Cole Show with a 17 year old Mick Jagger fronting the Stones.
Fascinating and alarming local news from places we had never seen.

But mostly there was Chiller Theatre, Zacherley, and the great old Universal horror films.

I think that was the begining, and the reason why a hard-working, responsible, aging woman with gray hair is still enraptured by monsters and slashers, vampires and zombies.

Especially zombies.