All horror, all the time. Mostly film, but some books too. And random thoughts about fear, violence, and the art of storytelling. And the pleasure of a pop culture obsession.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Evan is ready

high class zombie essay

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jody said I should see The Collector

And it is pretty good. Something of a "Saw" imitation, but with a few elegant touches that won me over.

The best of the traps, literally a trap, a room full of bear traps. Reminded me of a routine Penn and Teller do with animal traps.

And (unless I was out admiring the super moon), we never see more of the monster than this. Few horror movies can manage such restraint.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

not a good idea

I fell asleep watching a DVD of Inception. Dreaming...